Saturday, June 29, 2013

Boise Farmers' Market

We went to the Boise Farmers' Market today just to check it out. It it HUGE! Too big for me in fact. I did how ever pick up a few things for my smoothies and am pretty excited about using them! I got a half flat of beautiful YUMMY raspberries as our plants aren't doing that well and I REALLY want to make some smoothies with raspberries in them. I also picked up a bag of spinach and 2 pints of juicy sweet black cherries! 

I invented my own cherry pitter! :) Yes that is a beater to a hand held mixer! It worked REALLY well!

Can't wait to put these in my smoothies!!! 
These raspberries are so good I had a hard time not eating them all before they made it to the freezer! I love fresh fruit! I will be going to the Farmers' Market a lot this summer. I will however stick to my small town Nampa one as the Boise one is WAY too big for me. I'm just like my mom when it comes to big crowds! I just don't like them!

Ever tried something and just COULD NOT drink or eat it. Well I tried! This smoothie had beets and beet greens in it and I just couldn't do it! I sure hope the spinach is easier to drink than this!! This has a banana, beets, beet greens, milk, milled flax seed, almond butter, and a little cinnamon in it. Need less to say its pretty but it sure was yucky!!! Oh well live and learn!

Still working on the garden blog post! Mom, I can't wait to show you how well it is coming along! So proud of myself! 


  1. So proud of you for your cute cherry pitter! I won't tell you that I gave away an automatic pitter when we moved. What you did is great! The cherries and raspberries look so yummy! How are the blackberries doing? I can hardly wait to see your garden!! Love you!

    1. There will be a ZILLION blackberries!!! I'm not sure how I will keep up with them!

  2. I have heard that straws are good cherry pitters. I have one that does four at a time and you just press down on it.
    Jealous of the raspberries. How much did you pay for the half flat? I could/would eat them all fresh if I had them.
    Did you dump the beet smoothie? You could put it in ice cube trays and just throw one in a smoothie with other things and it might not be too bad. It was probably the greens that had the taste you didn't like. I don't care for the taste of beet greens, even when they are young and in a salad mix. Love all your blog posts.

    1. I paid $15 for the raspberries. Yeah I dumped the beet smoothie. It tasted like dirt. LOL I'm sure it was the greens. I'm going to try a one without the greens. I really enjoyed the strawberry one with spinach.
